
Our shop "3bc Vintage" offers this unique selection of antique and vintage, second-hand collectables, artwork, advertising,  desktop accessories, books, pamphlets and sheet music.

  • We have vintage advertising, packaging and merchandising such as Victorian beer bottles and cream pots, and branded ashtrays and water jugs.

  • We have vintage metal tins including gramophone needle tins.

  • We stock vintage toys, games and other memorabilia.

  • We have silver-mounted scent bottles and solid silver pill boxes and trinket boxes.

  • We have antique and vintage perpetual calendars, desktop thermometers, book ends, paperweights and curios, including many items in Bakelite and other early plastics.

  • We also have antique and vintage camera, binoculars, field glasses and opera glasses.
  • We have framed and unframed art, prints books, booklets, pamphlets and sheet music.

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Red Batchlee "Bat" Roadworks Lantern

Alternative interior or exterior lighting with original paint, burner and LED string lighting. Second-hand.

French Space Age Ringed Planet Desk Thermometer

A charming desktop thermometer, from the 1950s or 1960s and styled like a ringed planet. Second-hand.

Framed "Sally's Tested Recipes" Booklet from the 1950s

A framed, second-hand copy of Royal Baking Powder's recipe booklet from the 1950s. Complete and original in a frame.

Framed Laird & Dickson Bulbs & Roots Catalogue from 1933

A framed, second-hand, plant catalogue for Laird & Dickson from 1933. Complete and original.

Framed J.C. Tissot Horticultural Catalogue from 1920

A framed, second-hand, horticultural catalogue from 1920. Complete and original.

Framed Dixit Belting Brochure from 1938

A framed, second-hand Dixit industrial belting brochure from 1938. Complete and original in a frame.

Framed Columbia Record Catalogue for 1932

A framed, second-hand Columbia Record Catalogue for 1932. Complete and original in a frame.

Bakelite Junior Round Calendox Perpetual Calendar

A 1930s, rare, green Bakelite perpetual calendar by Charles Letts & Co. Second-hand.

Dati Perpetual Desk Calendar by Arlac

A 1970s desktop perpetual calendar in bright orange by German manufacturer Arlac. Second-hand.

Framed "Nos Loisirs" with René Prejelan Cover from 1907

A framed, second-hand edition of "Nos Loisirs" from 1907. Complete and original in a frame.

Pucca Alarm Clock

This one is sold, but we have another. Please see below. A cute Pucca alarm clock, a Korean cartoon character who steals kisses to gain magic powers. Second-hand.

Framed Army & Navy Winter Sale Catalogue from 1930

A framed, second-hand Army & Navy Catalogue from 1930. Complete and original.

Framed Hints To Cat Lovers from 1927

A small, framed, vintage booklet from 1927. Complete and original in a frame. Second-hand.

Framed Columbia Record Catalogue for 1946-47

A framed, second-hand Columbia Record Catalogue for 1946-47. Complete and original in a frame.

Compact Folding Pocket Binoculars

A pair of Japanese, compact, pocket-size folding binoculars made by King. Second-hand.

Circular Orange Plastic Perpetual Desk Calendar

A numeric, flip-over, desktop perpetual calendar in bright orange plastic. Second-hand.

Art Nouveau Brass Desktop Perpetual Calendar

An old brass desktop perpetual calendar in the Art Nouveau Style. Second-hand.

Edwardian Field Glasses and Case

A small, Edwardian pair of field binoculars in their original, inscribed case. Second-hand.

Miller Brothers Sterling Silver and Glass Scent Bottle

A Victorian glass scent bottle with hallmarked, Sterling silver top, by Miller Brothers of Birmingham. Second-hand.

Edwardian Leather Wallet with Silver Mounts

An Edwardian leather and silver mounted wallet made by Corke Brothers & Company. Second-hand.

Henry Matthews Pierced Solid Silver Scent Bottle and Holder

A Victorian perfume bottle and pierced, solid Sterling silver sleeve, hallmarked for 1901. Second-hand.

Tintin Resin Rocket

The 15cm version of the Moulinsart model. Second-hand.

Sterling Silver Sweetie Pill Box

A hallmarked, modern pill box in solid Sterling silver. Second-hand.

Robert Pringle & Sons Pierced Sterling Silver Scent Bottle Holder

A 1901, Chester hallmarked, Victorian, Sterling silver perfume and scent bottle holder. Second-hand.