The European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) applies to this website and is regulated in Belgium by The Data Protection Authority.
The GDPR gives you have the right to know what personal data of yours we hold, to have it corrected, to have it erased, to receive a copy of it, to restrict its use and to prevent its use in automated decision-making and profiling.
The GDPR obliges us to identify the lawful basis for processing your data, have procedures in place to respond to your requests, to respond quickly to your requests (within a month) and to notify the regulatory authority of any data breaches (within 72 hours).
The personal data of yours that we hold is entered by you when placing an order for goods through our website. This can include your name, cardholder address, delivery address, email address, telephone number, the goods which were ordered, the IP address of the transaction, the card type used, the last four digits of the card and the payment authorisation result.
Unlike Facebook, Google and many others, we do not follow our site visitors around the internet.
We use your details to manage your account, orders and deliveries. We do not send marketing emails; we send emails relating to orders, deliveries and account management.
We will not give your details to any third party, other than what is necessary to process your payment and the delivery of your order.
We use PayPal to collect and process transaction information. You can read about PayPal safety and security here.
During our checkout process you are redirected to our payment service provider so that you can pay for your order. We do not see your card details; we are only told whether or not your payment was completed. We therefore do not store your card details.
We market our services using this website, our Facebook page and our Instagram account. At present, we do not send marketing emails and have no plans to do so. We promise that if we started to in the future, you would have to explicitly sign up for them to receive them. So it is possible that we might contact you by email to tell you about the service and ask you if you want to receive it.
When you use this website, we may personalise your use of it by showing recently viewed items, or by displaying other items that we think are relevant. This history is only used within this website and is not shared with anyone else.
When using this website, all communication between it and your browser is encrypted and cannot be read by anyone else, even if it were intercepted.
Cookies are small data files that a website saves to your computer for later retrieval. Cookies are not computer programs, have no intelligence and no ability to read anything from your computer. Cookies are like reminders or bookmarks that a website reads while you are using it.
We use cookies to operate our website efficiently and securely. For example, cookies let you move around the website without having to sign-in on every page. They also let the website maintain the contents of your shopping basket.
We do not use cookies to track your internet usage elsewhere or sell information to marketing companies.
Our use of cookies improves your experience when using this website and we therefore recommend that you leave them turned on while using this website. By using our website you are agreeing to our use of cookies as described here and to saving them to your computer.
Every time you sign in to our website, we use an encrypted cookie to identify you to the site. This means you do not need to sign in again for the rest of that visit. Additionally, when signing in, if you tick the checkbox labelled "Remember Me", an encrypted cookie is saved to your computer that identifies you to the website so that when you return, it automatically signs you in.
Your password is not saved but to better protect your privacy, you should not use "Remember me" on a shared computer.
We use Google Analytics to appraise the quality of our website. This uses cookies to anonymously analyse how visitors navigate through our website. This helps us improve the website by assessing whether or not the content and layout works well. Because this information is anonymous and aggregated we cannot identify you personally from it.
Cookies can stay on your computer after your website session finishes. Therefore, most browsers provide a means for you to delete them and also for you to refuse them.
Thank you
Paul and Julia Andrews, trading as Three Bears Cottage.
This page was last updated 13 August 2021